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PostSubject: Senior Year   Senior Year Icon_minitimeThu Apr 11, 2013 12:47 am

This is whats happening to me right now..

I have a friend that I know since 7th grade and now we are seniors about to start University but there's this girl (which is my friends second love and closest to be his first gf) and she a really good friend of ours we hangs out everyday but I always walk her around town until the bus takes her home and she comes over to my house every day before leaving just to hang out a few mins more. He knows that when I have a friendship with a girl I get extremely close to them (like brother and sister) and now he's starting to distrust me and thinks i'm gonna steal her from him. Today we had last period free so we tried to sneak into her classroom (cuz we know the teacher alot) but the teacher kicked out my friends and since I sat down quickly in a empty seat he didn't notice me until 20 minutes after when I made her laugh a little too loud. And my friend got pissed and went screaming and to our classroom and told all of my classmates and friends that I was trying to take her away from him and that I'm worthless and after that when we got out he gave me a bad look and I apologized and he said it was fine and was happy smiling and then a friend of mine told me about what he said and I got pissed cuz we are already in Senior year and he couldn't come and talk to me about it first. So i really don't know what to do.

I was thinking in getting away from her but i dont know i dont like her or anything but she's a great firend...
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PostSubject: Re: Senior Year   Senior Year Icon_minitimeSat Apr 20, 2013 6:58 pm

You need to talk to him. After all, he's your friend, as well as girl is.
You have to explain him that just because she's a girl doesn't mean you are trying to steal her. Ask him how would he react if it was a guy you are befriend with. There shouldn't be limits on gender, and just because man is talking to a girl doesn't mean he wants her for himself.

You won't solve anything by playing hot potato. Tell him you don't like his current behavior, and that he should just stop acting as if you are trying to steal his girl. He's senior and yet, he acts like a kindergarten child. I do understand he is just afraid of losing anyone, but if he chose girl instead of you, that's not right. Currently, he is annoyed by everything. Don't try ignoring him, he'll get even more angry if you ignore him.

As I said, you need to talk seriosly and tell him that is a normal relationship between two friends. Not everything needs to grow in romantic relationship just because one's guy and other's a girl. It's a brother-sister relationship and not R from romance can grow from such a relationship, and yet, it's much better having girl feeling a sister-brother relationship towards you than romantic feelings. Explain that he is your friend and should gain more trust in you.
Of course, be sure to tell him the truth and don't betray your friend. Arguing because of a girl is silly and leads to blank arguments.
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PostSubject: Re: Senior Year   Senior Year Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2013 1:38 pm

I talked with him and its all alright now. Thanks Titania-chan
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Posts : 22
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Join date : 2013-01-15
Age : 24
Location : Croatia, Metković

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PostSubject: Re: Senior Year   Senior Year Icon_minitimeSun Apr 21, 2013 4:22 pm

Awww, your welcome ^^
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PostSubject: Re: Senior Year   Senior Year Icon_minitime

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